TRC Wellness Blog


How to stay well during the summer heat

November 21, 2022


Summer is typically an exciting season with many fun things to do and new activities to try out. Outdoor activities and the summer sun are a great way to make the most of the season. Despite how enjoyable summer can be it is also often a time where chronic conditions can become aggravated and pain symptoms may become more noticeable. Here are some easy tips you can use to make sure that you can enjoy summer the way you want.

Arguably the first and most important aspect to enjoying the summer heat is to stay hydrated. With temperatures rising and high humidity levels it is deceivingly easy to become dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to many health conditions and increase your susceptibility to injury. Strained muscles and sprained ligaments become significantly more prevalent during the summer, especially to those to work outside. By staying hydrated you can limit your risk for these type of injuries.

Another great tip is to stay moving. Some stay cool by being inside during the summer and this can lead to a lack of exercise. Staying active is one of the main keys for avoiding chronic disease and preventing injury. If the summer heat is too much for you don’t be worried to try walking at sunset or doing light intensity exercise indoors.

Make the most of your summer by staying healthy and pain-free. For more information or if you have any questions regarding your summer lifestyle give us a call stop into any Rehab Centre where we can help you make this summer the best one yet.

Anthony Petrarca, D.C.


Running shoe tips

November 21, 2022


The weather is great and running season is in full swing. Taking a run on a track, trail, or beach is a great way to relieve stress, increase cardiovascular fitness, and improve strength. Running is a great way to begin the journey to physical fitness. The best part is that the only equipment needed is a pair of shoes.

Opinions vary widely across professions, and running enthusiasts alike. However, there are some things to consider when buying shoes. Below are some examples of shoe types, and some good uses for each shoe.

Trail running:
If you enjoy taking it off-road and experiencing the trail, you may need a more aggressive tread pattern and something with a little more cushion. Avoiding a minimalist shoe (light weight, little cushion) would be a good idea, especially for a beginner. During a trail run a minimalist shoe offers very little protection from rocks and other debris.

Long Distance Runners:
A shoe with a mild to moderate amount of cushion would be best for people wanting to hit the pavement for long periods of time. Yes, there are some professional runners who prefer a minimalist shoe, however runners have experienced stress fractures in their feet when going long distances in a minimalist shoe.

Short distance running/Sprints:
Short distances is when some runners experiment with minimalist shoes. Short distance runs in minimalist shoes may strengthen the bones of the feet and surrounding musculature. Competitive sprinting will involve track shoes and spikes. Sprints can also be perform in mild to moderate cushioned shoes, or barefoot!

Shoes are a great innovation, but sometimes it’s good to get back to our roots. There are 26 bones and 33 joints in the foot. The joints and soft tissues of the foot need movement for overall health. Being crammed in a shoe all day, especially a shoe that has a tight or pointed toe bed, will eventually lead to injury. When the big toe does not have room to move, bunions and plantar fasciitis can result. Those are just two of many possible side effects that can result from tight footwear.
Find the right footwear for the run, but take time to kick your shoes off and mover your toes through the sand, we will see you on the trail.

– Matt Brush, D.C.

What is causing this leg pain?

November 21, 2022


Jack came into the office with low back and pain down his leg into his foot. He explained that he has never had it before and doesn’t know why it began. What could be causing Jack’s leg pain?

Leg pain can have many origins. One common reason for leg pain is from low back disorders. All along the spine, there are spinal nerves that go into all the tissues of the body. The nerves of the low back go into the legs and allow us to contract muscles, feel sensations, and coordinate movement. The lowest nerves of the back form a large nerve called the sciatic nerve. When these nerves get compressed we can get pain that radiates down our legs, which is called sciatica or radicular pain.

Sciatica can occur when a nerve is compressed from either bone or soft tissue. Below are some structures that may cause sciatica type symptoms.
Arthritis – Bone can compress the nerve in cases of moderate to severe arthritis. The spaces where nerves usually move freely can narrow, causing stenosis. Think of stenosis as pinching off a hose with your foot.

Soft tissue – Disc bulge and disc herniation commonly press on the spinal cord and the nerves that exit. If there has been an operation in the surrounding area scar tissue can form. There are also some muscles in the buttock region if tightened, can compress the sciatic nerve. All of these can cause leg pain.

Another way leg pain occurs is from inflammation. If there is significant tissue damage our bodies will naturally release inflammatory cells to repair the damage. However, the nerves in our body are very sensitive and the inflammation can send pain down the length of the nerve into the leg.
When people experience leg pain it may feel like a burning, shooting, or throbbing pain. The best way to recover from leg pain is to figure out its source.

To find relief from leg pain due to sciatica, make an appointment with us today.

– Matt Brush, D.C.